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Feature Friday - Marketing Packages for Schools, Agents and Service Providers in International Education

Published Bernice on Friday, June 17, 2022 12:00 AM

Content Marketing Packages for schools, agents and Service Providers in Intled

It's Friday...which means it's time to turn the spotlight on to something that is interesting for our Industry. Today we chose to feature our Content Marketing Packages, which have been designed with your needs and requirements in mind. Over the past months, a lot of our members have gotten in touch with us and expressed an interest in having a more solid social media marketing strategy. 

Schools often struggle with sticking to a solid Social Media and Content Marketing strategy

When speaking to schools we are often told that, despite understanding the need for a solid social media marketing strategy, and wanting to stick to one at all costs, schools, agents and service providers within the field of International Education often get caught up in other work which involves the students...and let's face it, that IS more important. As a result, their social media marketing and content marketing strategy get neglected...and in the long run, the company does suffer as a result, because attracting new business becomes more and more difficult.

We can help you!

We believe that your social media and content marketing strategy should not suffer as a result of this. Therefore, we have come up with a solution! We can train you to be more efficient; we can even take over for a few weeks or a few months if you like; in short, we can do as much as you want us to do....and then we pass everything back on to you the moment you're ready and feel comfortable taking over.

Our 3 Packages and Prices

As always, and as you know, our pricing strategy is transparent. So here is an overview of our three packages and their prices.

Package 1 - Basic

The first package is ideal for those industry partners who are looking to revamp their strategy but might be on a tight budget as of yet. With this package we'll start by reviewing your current channels and optimising them as necessary. We will also provide you with a plan that includes 5 diverse posts, with images, captions and the right hashtags. Moving forward, you will simply have to "fill in the blanks" and replace our content with the one you create, but you'll be able to follow the same structure...and that is always much easier than having to think about everything from scratch.

Package 2 - Flexi

The second package is ideal for those who would also like to start using blogs more frequently. Blogs are an excellent way to improve your Google ranking and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)...and they are also an excellent way to help you create content for your social media. This package will show you excatly how to do this. With this package we'll start by reviewing your current channels and optimising them as necessary. Next we move on to the blog post. Upon agreeing on a topic and target audience for your blog, we will proceed to create it. Once you approve of the blog post, we will create 10 posts for your social media (5 of these posts will be based on the article, and the other 5 will be diverse posts). These posts will include images, captions and the right hashtags. This will give you around one month of solid content for your social media, depending on how regularly you post. Moving forward, you will have the perfect plan to follow in order to retain a solid Social Media and Content Marketing Strategy.

Package 3 - All Inclusive

The final package is ideal for those industry partners who have no time to take care of their Social Media and Content Marketing Strategy. This package can literally have you covered for a whole year if you like. With this package we'll start by reviewing your current channels and optimising them as necessary, like we do with all our packages. Next we move on to the blog posts - this package includes 12 of them, which means you can have 1 per month. Upon agreeing on the 12 topics and target audience for each one of your blog posts (they can be different if you like, for example, if you are a school, some blog posts can be targetted at students or parents and some others can be targetted at agents), we will proceed to create them. Once you approve of the blog post, we will create 60 posts for your social media. These posts will be based on the articles that we create for you and they will include images, captions and the right hashtags. Let's be honest...this is a more cost-effective way to handle your social media channels than hiring someone to do it in-house!


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